首页 > 驱动IC芯片 > 广州PAM2803(升压恒流IC)

  • 广州PAM2803(升压恒流IC)




产品封装: SOT23-6


应用范围:手电筒 闪光灯



The PAM2803 is a step-up DC-DC converter that delivers a regulated output current. The device switches at a 1.0MHz constant frequency, allowing for the use of small value external inductor and ceramic capacitors.
The PAM2803 is targeted to be used for driving loads up to 1A from a two-cell alkaline battery. The LED current can be programmed by the external current sense resistor, RS, connected between the feedback pin (FB) and ground. A low 95mV feedback voltage reduces the power loss in the Rs for better efficiency. With its internal 2A, 100m? NMOS switch, the device can provide high efficiency even at heavy load. During the shutdown mode, the feedback resistor RS and the load are completely disconnected and the current consumption is reduced to less than 1μA.
The PAM2803 is available in the 6-lead SOT23-6 package.
1.LED Power Efficiency: up to 90%
2.Current Accuracy: 5%(VIN = 3.6V to 1.8V @VF = 3.7V)
3.Low Start-Up Voltage: 0.9V (ILED = 270mA)
4.Low Hold Voltage: 0.75 (ILED = 200mA)
5.1MHz Switching Frequency
6.Uses Small, Low Profile External Components
7.Low RDS(ON): 100mΩ (typ)
8.Over Temperature Protection
9.Low Profile SOT23-6 Package
10.Pb-Free Package 
时间:2020-04-24 16:58:59

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