首页 > 驱动IC芯片 > 广州ST17H66(BLE蓝牙芯片)

  • 广州ST17H66(BLE蓝牙芯片)





产品特性:高性能低功耗32位处理器•内存;256KB SPI NOR闪存;64KB;4路指令缓存和8KB缓存;32位处理器,带SWD

应用范围:穿戴设备 信标 家居建筑 健康医疗 工业制造 零售与支付 数据传 PC/移动/电视外围设备 物联网(IoT)



Key Features

• ARM® Cortex™-M0 32-bit processor with SWD

• Memory

 512KB in-system flash memory

 64KB SRAM, all programmable retention insleep mode

 4-way instruction cache with 8KB CacheRAM

 96KB ROM

 256bit efuse • 22 general purpose I/O pins

 GPIO status retention in off/sleep mode

 configurable as serial interface and

programmable IO MUX function mapping

 All pins can be configured for wake-up

 All pins for triggering interrupt

 3 quadrature decoder(QDEC)

 6-channel PWM

 2-channel PDM/I2C/SPI/UART

 4-channel DMA

• DMIC/AMIC with microphone bias

• 8-channel 12bit ADC with low noise voice PGA

• 6-channel 24bit timer, one watchdog timer

• Real timer counter (RTC)

• Power, clock, reset controller

• Flexible power management

 Operating Voltage range 1.8V to 3.6V

 Embedded buck DC-DC and LDOs

 Battery monitor • Power consumption

 0.3μA @ OFF Mode(IO wake up only)

 1μA @ Sleep Mode with 32KHz RTC

 4uA @ Sleep Mode with 32KHz RTC and all

SRAM retention

 Receive mode: 4mA @3.3V power supply

 Transmit mode: 4.7mA(0dBm output power)

@3.3V power supply

广州MCU: <60uA/MHz • RC oscillator hardware calibrations

 Internal High/Low frequency RC osc

 32KHz RC osc for RTC with +/-500ppm accuracy

 32MHz RC osc for HCLK with 3% accuracy • High Speed Throughput

 Support BLE 2Mbps Protocol

 Support Data Length Extension

 Throughput up to 1.6Mbps(DLE+2Mbps) • BLE 5.2 feature • AoA/AoD Direction Finding • Support SIG-Mesh Multi-Feature

 Friend Node

 Low Power Node

 Proxy Node

 Relay Node • 2.4 GHz transceiver

 Compliant to Bluetooth 5.2

 Sensitivity:

-97dBm@BLE 1Mbps data rate

-103dBm@BLE 125Kbps data rate

 TX Power -20 to +10dBm in 3dB steps

 Single-pin antenna: no RF matching or RX/TX

switching required

 RSSI (1dB resolution)

 Antenna array and optional off-chip RF PA/LNA

control interface • AES-128 encryption hardware • Link layer hardware

 Automatic packet assembly

 Automatic packet detection and validation

 Auto Re-transmit

 Auto ACK

 Hardware Address Matching

 Random number generator • Operating temperature: -40 ℃~125℃ • RoHS Package: QFN32(4mm x 4mm) • Applications: wearables, beacons, home and building,

health and medical, industrial and manufacturing,

retail and payment, data transmission, PC/mobile/TV

peripherals, internet of things (IoT)

时间:2021-11-24 09:39:34

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