首页 > 电源管理IC > 广州PL5500(DC-DC升降压IC)

  • 广州PL5500(DC-DC升降压IC)





产品特性:输入电压:3.6 V -36V 同步升降压 200W; 性能替代SC8802




1 Features

 Bidirectional single Inductor Buck-Boost Controllerfor Step-Up/Step-Down DC/DC Conversion andbattery charge management

 Bidirectional buck-boost operation to supportbattery charging and discharging using OTG signal

 Dynamical programming of input current, Outputcurrent and Output voltage using PWM signal oranalog signal

 1 Cell to 6 Cells battery charge management

 2V to 32 V wide output range

 Comprehensive protection features includingOutput Short Protection (OSP), Cycle-by-Cycleinput and output Peak Current Limit, thermalregulation, thermal shutdown, input UVLO, inputOVP, output OVP etc.

 Adjustable Switching Frequency using resistor

 Frequency dithering for good EMI performance

 Integrated 2-A MOSFET Gate Drivers

 Input or Output Average Current Limiting withstable CC loop

 5V/55mA low I q LDO to power system 广州MCU

 Available in QFN4x4-32 Package

2 Applications

 Automotive Start-Stop Systems

 Backup Battery and Super capacitor Charging

 Industrial PC Power Supplies

 USB Power Delivery

3 Description

PL5500 is a synchronous 4-switch bidirectionalBuck-Boost controller capable of regulating theoutput voltage at above or below the input voltage.

PL5500 operates over a wide input voltage range of3.6 V to 32 V (36 V maximum) to support a variety ofapplications. PL5500 can operate at charger modefor 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 cells battery charge.

PL5500 employs Constant ON time control in buck,boost and buck-boost operation modes for superiorload and line regulation. The switching frequencycould be set to 150kHz, 300kHz, 600kHz or 1200kHzbased on different resistor value between FREQ pinand GND pin. The device also features aprogrammable soft-start function and offers all kindsof protection features including cycle-by-cycle currentlimiting, input under voltage lockout (UVLO), outputover voltage protection (OVP), input Over VoltageProtection, thermal shutdown and output shortprotection etc.

时间:2022-08-29 18:07:58

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